* NEWS *

Scientific research of the Soul Voice® Method

Our scientific research group is guided by scientific researcher Sofia Serra, Portugal.

This scientific research is testing the method and its efficacy in terms of healing, which allows the method to be validated by international scientific communities.

The Soul Voice® Method has been presented to artistic schools of music to evaluate its effects on Music Performance Anxiety (MPA). In the past months, the Soul Voice® protocol was adapted for MPA, passed the ethical committee requirements and is now being launched in schools.

Karina Schelde Soul Voice®

Latest News:

The Soul Voice® method is also broadening its reach by its presence in international Voice Conferences to take place in the last trimester of 2024 with scientific results and workshops. It is engaging in a European network of universities where other projects of Soul Voice® and neuroscience are expected to start in 2024.

The board of the science group consists of :

Viria Romagnoli

Viria Romagnoli

Accredited Teacher and Certified Practitioner
Anke de Jong

Anke de Jong

Accredited Teacher and Certified Practitioner
Sofia Serra

Sofia Serra

Soul Voice® Practitioner and scientific researcher
Karina Schelde

Karina Schelde

of the
Soul Voice® Method

BIANNUAL Newsletter Forum in PDF format

I invite you to sign up for our biannual newsletter, which contains inspiring and compelling stories mostly written by Soul Voice® Practitioners and Teachers, however, anyone who has had an experience with Soul Voic® is welcome to send in their contributions…

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