
Guided Soul Voice® PRACTICES on video

with Founder of the Soul Voice® method Karina Schelde

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I invite you to explore the fascinating and mystical power of your own unique voice and sound. Celebrate your voice potential and join in!

Karina Schelde Soul Voice®

Tree Medicine Practice &
Onto the Centre of the Earth

with the Founder of the Soul Voice® method
Karina Schelde

‘TREE MEDICINE’ & ‘INTO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH’: As you follow Karina Schelde’s instruction you will be guided into places with your voice expression that you may never have visited before. Deeply anchored practices that make you feel connected and offer a sense of belonging.

Karina Schelde Soul Voice®

Chakra Sound Healing,
an effective yet simple Soul Voice® Practice with Founder of the Soul Voice® method
Karina Schelde

THE CHAKRA SOUND HEALING allows you to listen as well as to join by sounding to the seven-chakras for clearing and cleansing. Enjoy matching your voice resonance with specific qualities and vowel sounds for deepening embodiment into the tree of life, the seven energy-vortexes. 

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